Nuisance Wildlife Services

Are Opossums Dangerous? Separating Fact from Fiction

Are Opossums Dangerous? Separating Fact from Fiction

Drooling Opossum (Didelphimorphia) Carries Her Joeys Across Log - captive animals

Opossums, often referred to as possums, are small animals that can provoke curiosity and sometimes fear in people. With their unusual appearance and nocturnal habits, they can seem mysterious. But are opossums dangerous?

The Basics of Opossums

Opossums are North America’s only marsupial species, meaning they carry and nurse their young in pouches, like kangaroos. They have a distinctive appearance, with gray fur, a long prehensile tail, and a pointed face adorned with sharp teeth. Opossums are generally solitary, nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active at night.

Myth #1: Opossums Are Aggressive and Carry Diseases

One common misconception about opossums is that they are aggressive and carry diseases, posing a threat to humans and pets. In reality, opossums are more likely to play dead than attack. When threatened, they may fall limp and excrete a foul-smelling fluid from their anal glands, creating the illusion of death as a defense mechanism. This playing dead behavior is where the term playing possum comes from.

Opossums have a relatively low body temperature, making them less susceptible to diseases like rabies compared to warm-blooded animals. They are also known to groom themselves thoroughly, which further reduces the risk of carrying diseases.

Myth #2: Opossums Are Destructive Pests

While opossums may occasionally rummage through trash cans or gardens in search of food, they are generally not destructive pests. They have a varied diet that includes insects, small rodents, carrion, fruits, and vegetables. Opossums are often beneficial to homeowners because they help control populations of pests like ticks, cockroaches, and beetles.

Myth #3: Opossums Are a Threat to Pets

Opossums are not typically a threat to household pets. They prefer to avoid confrontations and will usually flee from dogs and cats. If confronted, opossums are known for their unique defense mechanism. They may open their mouths wide, display their sharp teeth, and hiss or make growling sounds to deter potential attackers. These displays are mostly for show, as opossums are not inclined to fight.

What to Do If You Encounter an Opossum

If you come across an opossum on your property or in your vicinity, there are some essential steps to follow:

When to Seek Professional Help

In most cases, opossum encounters can be managed by following the above guidelines. However, there are situations where it’s best to seek professional assistance.

Opossums Aren’t Dangerous

In truth, opossums are not dangerous creatures. They are more likely to benefit your environment by helping control pest populations. So, the next time you encounter one of these creatures in your yard, appreciate their role in the ecosystem and remember that they pose minimal risk to you, your family, and your pets.